
The Bible is packed with parables that instruct us on how to handle challenging talks. Because God has previously shown us how to handle unpleasant conversations, they are actually not that difficult.

I’ll explain the Bible verses for difficult conversations in this article and show you how to put them into practice today.


13 Bible Verses for Difficult Conversations

Even though having difficult conversations can be intimidating, the Bible provides instructions on how to handle them.

This article advises on how to avoid making assumptions about the other person’s motivations, deal with a problem promptly and quietly, listen before responding, learn to control your tongue, ignore small-minded insults, and look for a win-win solution.


You can have a productive conversation that glorifies God if you have these pointers in mind.

Ephesians 4:29

Let no unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building up the one in need and bringing grace to those who listen.-


Ephesians 4:29


Ephesians 4_29


Paul moves from a comparison of stealing and hard work (Ephesians 4:28) to a comparison of corrupting speech and encouraging speech.

In both cases, his intention is to demonstrate how Christians must make a conscious effort to live differently than we did before salvation.

Corrupting talk is associated with those who do not know Christ, just as stealing is associated with unbelievers.

Interestingly, Paul explicitly states that we have control over what we say: “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths.”

This contradicts the common justification of “I couldn’t help myself.” The Bible holds us accountable for the words we speak (Matthew 12:36).

Only a small percentage of people have medical conditions that interfere with control.

Christians do have control over their words, which have a significant impact on how the rest of the world perceives them.

Instead of using “corrupting” or negative language, Paul offers two guidelines for speaking. First, we must speak in beneficial ways about important issues.

Second, we are to speak in ways that are appropriate for the situation. What is perfectly acceptable in one situation may be rude or unkind in another.

The goal is to show grace to those who are listening to what we have to say. We are not supposed to prioritize our own feelings, but rather to use our words to help others.

Matthew 12:35

The good person out of his good treasure brings forth good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure brings forth evil.-

Matthew 12:35(ESV)


Matthew 12_35

Jesus is chastising the Pharisees for accusing Him of casting out demons through the power of the devil rather than the Holy Spirit.

He will not accept the excuse that they simply made a mistake or reached the wrong conclusion about Him.

Jesus is adamant that the Pharisees spoke evil from evil hearts. That’s how it always works: what’s in one’s heart manifests itself in actions and words (Matthew 12:34).

What’s inside overflows and spills out into the world, as the previous verse concluded. The Pharisees’ words have revealed their true intentions and state of mind.

Good people produce good things because they have a good treasure within them. From the evil treasure they carry, evil people usually produce evil things.

What comes out in a person’s words and actions reveals the nature of that person’s heart. Jesus rejects two possibilities in developing this principle.

Good people do not inadvertently produce evil words or actions; misunderstandings or difficult circumstances are not justifications for evil behavior.

Similarly, despite their spiritual darkness, bad people do not accidentally speak good words. The fruit always reveals the tree’s nature.

Nobody except Jesus is good in that sense, according to the Bible (Romans 3:23), Jesus is referring to the heart’s motives, intentions, and focus, as well as how people respond to Him as the Son of God.

When a person says or does something evil, it is motivated by an evil thought or intent in their heart.

Colossians 4:6

Let your speech be always in grace, having been seasoned with salt, to know how it behooves you to answer each one.-

Colossians 4:6

Colossians 4_6

In these verses, Paul emphasizes the significance of being a conscientious Christian witness.

He had previously asked the Christians in Colossae to pray that the Lord would open doors for the gospel to spread, and now he directs all Christians to be outreach-oriented, holding Christ out to a lost world.

Paul is reminding Christians that they are grace recipients. They have now been given to God through the Lord Jesus.

They have eternal hope and a future with God. Those who do not know Christ, on the other hand, do not. They are still under God’s judgment.

Every soul is responsible to God. Every soul is held accountable to God by God’s standards.

The Christian faith makes it abundantly clear that sinful men are incapable of meeting God’s righteous standards, and that God’s wrath is an unavoidable and just response to that failure.

Let Your Conversation be Holy KJV

Let your speech be a holy Biblical explanation. It’s challenging to discover commentaries on the Bible that aren’t primarily Christian in orientation, but this piece offers a perceptive viewpoint from a secular standpoint.

Explaining terms and passages that were obscure to the Bible’s original audience, it will also aid in your development as a student of biblical doctrine.

1 Peter 1:15

But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation.-

1 Peter 1:15


1 Peter 1_15

It’s easy to be discouraged after reading verses 15 and 16. A superficial reading might lead us to believe that God demands absolute perfection from His children now and forever.

But we can’t seem to find any of God’s children living perfect lives. So, what are the implications of these verses? It is helpful to consider them in terms of both our identity in Christ and our behavior.

What we may not realize is that we, too, have been created to be holy, distinct, and “other” from the rest of humanity.

The emphasis appears to be on the fact that we must live up to what we already are. We will never be perfectly sinless on this side of eternity.

However, we are designed to be completely distinct from the rest of the world in our behavior right now. We are holy in Christ. We must live as holy people in Christ.

Our wise decisions will not save us. Peter’s letter made it clear that salvation has already occurred, and that it is only possible through God’s grace and faith in Christ.

We have been saved. We are the people of God. We must now live as God’s people. That is God’s standard for us, and it should be our standard for ourselves as well, even if we know we will fail along the way.

Philippians 1:27

Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ: that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel.-

Philippians 1:27


Philippians 1_27

How the Philippians should conduct themselves in Paul’s absence. Paul desired that the Philippians collaborate for the sake of the gospel.

Only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come to see you or am absent, I may hear about your affairs, and that you stand firm in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel.

Conversation Meaning in the Bible

The fundamental ability we need to interact with people and win their support for our beliefs is conversation.

But the Bible frequently refers to it as evidence of the globalization of God’s kingdom.

Everyday living should include conversation. It is a tool that allows us to interact with others and discover their attitudes, values, and beliefs.

Together, we may live better lives as a result, and we can also come up with original ideas, plans, and methods that will enable us to make wiser judgments.

The importance of a strong relationship with God is made abundantly apparent in the Bible.

He desires direct communication with us so that He may provide us with guidance and counsel on how to make the most of our time here on earth.

Proverbs 17:27

The one who has knowledge uses words with restraint, and whoever has understanding is even-tempered.

Proverbs 17:27 

These wise sayings of Solomon contain a number of repeating topics. One of them is the value of verbal restraint: hasty or nasty language can cause a lot of harm.

He also mentions the tendency for both wisdom and ignorance to feed on themselves. While wise people desire it, fools appear to be resistant to it.

Bible Verses About Conversation KJV

Conversation is crucial when you identify as a Christian. God wants us to use the ability to communicate with one another, which He provided to us as a gift.

Many passages in the Bible relate to dialogue, but for the purposes of this post, I’ll focus on scriptures that highlight the value of communication.

Ephesians 4:29

Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.-

Ephesians 4:29


Ephesians 4_29 (2)

Paul moves on to compare corrupting speech with motivating speech after contrasting thievery and hard work.

His goal in both instances is to demonstrate how Christians must intentionally live differently than we did before we were saved.

Intriguingly, Paul makes it clear that we can regulate our speech: “Let no corrupting language proceed out of your mouths.

We are responsible for the words we use, according to the Bible (Matthew 12:36). Only a small percentage of persons experience medical issues that impair control.

Romans 16:17

Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.-

Romans 16:17


Romans 16_17

Paul’s epistle to the Romans has three sections at the end, each of which could serve as a conclusion.

The urgent caution against causing splits among believers opens this set of instructions. Paul is extremely concerned that the entire body of believers continues to function as a single unit.

In his letter, he used some of the strongest words to criticize individuals who seek to stoke discord, particularly those who do so by spreading erroneous doctrine.

Paul urges the Roman Christians to remain vigilant for anyone who joins them but starts teaching concepts that diverge from what they have already been taught by him and other licensed apostles. Paul issues a serious warning to this effect in other works (Galatians 1:8–9; 1 Timothy 6:3–4).

Paul uses the term “doctrine” to refer to knowledge of the truths regarding God, humanity, Christ, salvation, sin, etc.

Paul knew better than most that false teachers would eventually enter the Roman church, even though it may not have happened yet.

He insisted that they remain vigilant for the appearance of fraudulent teachers. When they did, the remedy was straightforward: stay away from them.

Reject them. Put them on “mute” so they can’t argue for their misrepresented version of reality.

Talk to God About Your Problems Bible Verse

Have you ever considered discussing your issues with God? The majority of us have, and we are aware that one of the best methods to achieve our goals in life is through prayer.

However, even with God’s assistance, it can occasionally be challenging to be open and honest about our concerns. This article fills that need.

Proverbs 3:5-6

5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.

6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.-

Proverbs 3:5-6

Proverbs 3_5-6

According to Proverbs 3:5–6, we should put all of our reliance on God and not rely on our knowledge.

Include God in whatever you do at all times so that He has an opportunity to guide you in the correct direction. You might not always be aware of what is coming.

These verses’ overarching message is to put your trust in Our Lord because He is the only one who can guide you in any circumstance.

Because you don’t always know what to do, you will be misled if you rely solely on your wisdom or intelligence.

You will find the right answer if you include God in each and every step you take to make things right.

When you have complete faith in God, you eliminate all opportunities for uncertainty. Because you are confident that He is always right and won’t lie to you, you trust what He says.

God knows what lies ahead of you and what you aren’t able to see since He sees the greater picture. In every circumstance and connection in your life, put your faith in God.

Knowing God and His ways makes it easy to trust Him. Trusting someone you don’t know and can’t rely on is challenging.

God has demonstrated Himself trustworthy and dependable throughout the Bible. You will understand God and His ways and His will when you take the time to read the scriptures.

Psalm 34:17

When the righteous cry for help, the LORD hears and delivers them out of all their troubles.-

Psalm 34:17

Psalm 34_17

Being harmed and having no one nearby to help is one of the worst feelings in the world.  No matter how loud he cried for help for six long days, no one was close enough to hear him (eventually, he courageously used a pocket knife to amputate his own arm to free himself).

However, Psalm 34:17 assures Christians that God always pays attention to their prayers.

He will hear us when we call out, no matter where we are or the situation we may be in. We will never understand what it feels like to cry out in silence. God is always aware of his children’s cries.

Conversation With God Bible Verse

One of the most effective methods for bringing about change and making improvements in your life is having a conversation with God.

Conversation with God will be a great resource if, like me, you’re trying to better all aspects of your life, from relationships to health.

1 Peter 5:6-7

6) Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time

7) casting all your anxiety upon him, because he careth for you.-

1 Peter 5:6-7

1 Peter 5_6-7Peter is advising you to put your pride to death and be crucified. Walk in humility, acknowledge God’s hand at work in your life, and know that God’s Son died and suffered for you in order to make peace with you.

This God has redeemed you from the useless ways of your ancestors and urges you to come to Him.

Could the command to submit to rulers, husbands, and masters provide us with some understanding of the need for humility?

If pride starts to rise suddenly because of our spiritual heritage, possessions, and status, we need to keep in mind who is working in and through us.

Prayer For Difficult Conversations

Lord, be compassionate to me; I must deal with it. I am aware that we must speak, but prepare me first, O Lord.

Free me; make me whole. Bring me to a place of harmony with my God and with myself.
Cast off every wrath, dread, and anger, O Lord. Deliver me from any need to manipulate or exert control.

Give me the desire to simply pursue your pristine will, Make my beliefs steadfast, O Lord, without regard to my own interests or the need to make a point.

Instead, may the grace of the All-Powerful God be poured forth onto my speech.
Help me to listen intently and to serve with humility, just as my Lord Jesus did.

Lord, send us your Holy Spirit. Our hearts and brains should be ready.
I have complete faith in you.

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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