14 Powerful Bible verses for a broken marriage

Bible verses for a broken marriage

Bible verses for a broken marriage will help you cope with your troubles beautifully when going through a hard patch at your wedding. The Bible is a source of comfort and wisdom for many Christian difficulties in marriage. I’ve given a few examples below for you to read and consider.


Bible verses for a broken marriage

Proverbs 18:22 – Lack of Commitment to the Marriage


He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord

 ~Proverbs 18:22 

 You begin to acquire feelings of love when you initially enter a relationship. Things start to grow serious after the relationship progresses and becomes an engagement. After all, this isn’t a casual relationship anymore.

It has now become a binding agreement. In a marriage, dedication is critical. It ensures that you and your spouse remain committed to each other. Commitment will also help to enhance the marriage in the long run.


Exodus 20:14


 You shall not commit adultery.

~Exodus 20:14


The Bible clarifies that we should stay faithful to our wives if we are married. 

According to the Bible, the Seventh Commandment is a bold declaration, especially in light of the circumstances. The Israelites journeyed across the desert with no permanent home and no foreseeable future, and it’s tempting to wonder if what we do has meaning or if life is just random.

God gave the Israelites many rules to help them understand that their world had meaning and purpose, demonstrating how they should treat one another.


Deuteronomy 22:22


If a man is found lying with a woman married to a husband, then they shall both of them die, both the man that lay with the woman and the woman: so shalt thou put away evil from Israel.

~Deuteronomy 22:22 


Adultery is a total desecration of God’s excellent design of marriage.

Satan tempts us to seek sexual fulfillment in ways other than the one God has ordained—within the bounds of monogamous, heterosexual marriage—through the sin of adultery.

Adultery pulls away from society’s fabric by tearing apart marriages and families, which are the foundations of society.

God’s law is held up as the norm for Christian morality in general and the seventh commandment in particular.


Bible verses about fixing a broken marriage


Philippians 4:6-7


Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

~Philippians 4:6-7


One of the first principles of having a happy marriage is prioritizing God over everything else in your life.

He should take precedence over your spouse, children, extended family, career, hobbies, and amusement.

He is deserving of our adoration, love, and honor. However, this is also a form of self-defense.

If you build complete trust and dependence on God, you will have Someone to whom you can turn if your world comes crumbling down or your marriage begins to crumble.


Romans 12:10


Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.

~Romans 12:10


Attempt to be the most honorable and respectable person in the room. Invoke God’s aid.

If you’re in a marriage where all you need is more consideration and appreciation for each other, it’s wholly achievable and yields many results.


Encouraging bible verses for a broken marriage


Ephesians 4:26


In your anger do not sin. Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold 

~Ephesians 4:26


This is one of the sagest bits of wisdom I’ve ever encountered. Just as you would with dirty dishes, deal with each day’s anger and settle it. Avoid going to bed with it if at all feasible. Because the depth and breadth of wrath are so immense, it’s frequently impossible to get out from under it.


James 1:19


“Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger.

~James 1:19


A term called “Short term counseling” is a type of marriage counseling. The goal is to assist people in quickly beginning to fix their relationship issues without having to work on them for months.

“What are you doing when you DO get along?” is one principle in this approach. “Find out what that is and do more of it.”

We all can recall a circumstance in which we believed we heard one thing but heard something entirely different.


Bible verses on broken marriage


Proverbs 21:20 – Financial Issues


There is precious treasure and oil in the dwelling of the wise; But a foolish man swalloweth it up.

~Proverbs 21:20 


Financial issues can put pressure on a marriage. One of the most common grounds for divorce is infidelity.

It doesn’t have to be permanent, though. Collaborate to learn how to manage money properly.


James 1:19 – Lacking Grace for Each Other


Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.

~James 1:19


Everyone should listen carefully, speak slowly, and become furious gradually.” How many of our marital issues may be resolved by following this advice?

Remember this scripture and strive to follow its instructions when you’re tempted to scream at your wife.

God gave us two ears and one pair of lips for a reason. We need to pay more attention to what others are saying and less to what we are saying. We all have a desire to be recognized. That desire was implanted in our hearts by God. We want to be recognized, appreciated and understood for who we are.


Bible verses on repairing a marriage


 2 Timothy 3: 16


All scripture is God-breathed and is helpful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness.

~2 Timothy 3: 16


As we all know, no marriage is flawless, but we must remember that all marriage problems have a cause; regrettably, many couples focus on the symptoms rather than the source.

Relationships can be helpful to one’s health, happiness, and stress management, but they are not without challenges.

These issues can strain a couple’s relationship, but addressing them can either build or damage their bond, depending on how they handle the challenges they face.


Proverbs 15:1


A kind response turns away anger, but harsh words cause tempers to flare.

~Proverbs 15:1


When your spouse remarks on his tone, pay attention.

When your spouse comments on your bad mood or lack of grace in the style you’re wearing, it’s easy to put your hair stand on end.

Consider his words as a warning sign that it’s time to take a step back and evaluate your own heart, rather than taking them as an open invitation to fight.


Bible verses on marriage and divorce


 Exodus 20:14


 You shall not commit adultery. 

~Exodus 20:14


Every action has a repercussion [this is referred to as karma].

Furthermore, every action has a spiritual consequence that is not evident to the naked eye.

Given that sexual force can produce life and, when used correctly, can change the world, any misuse of that force has far-reaching implications.


Mark 10:9


What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

~ Mark 10 : 9


“Let not man separate” is a call to action for cultures, legal systems, and communities to create policies and situations that do not jeopardize marriage. Even so, in the framework of Jewish tradition at the time, the husband was the sole “man” who was responsible for the divorce. He was not only the one who divorced his wife, but he also allowed himself to become hardened toward her.


Prayer for a broken marriage


God of Love, My damaged marriage is something I pray for. I ask that You soften my husband’s and my hearts to allow us to be open to Your will.

Please help us find serenity and a solution to rebuild our damaged marriage during this challenging time in our relationship.

During this challenging time, I ask for compassion and understanding.

As I acclimate to a new way of life, I seek advice. Please assist me in figuring out how to deal with life’s changes.

Please assist me in remembering who I am. Please assist me in accepting the aspects of my life that I cannot alter.

Please help me love myself despite the sorrow and heartache I’m going through. Please remind me of who I am.


Frequently Asked Question on Encouraging bible verses for a broken marriage.


How do you fix a broken marriage in the Bible?

By admitting to being Powerless Over Your Spouse In Your Marriage

John 16:14

He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you

~ John 16:14

You can’t deal with your partner or marital issues on you alone; This means you must acknowledge the futility of your efforts to change your and your spouse’s flaws and character flaws.

You must reach a point where you are willing to acknowledge that the techniques you have tried have failed.

And that any attempt to modify or control your partner will fail.

It means you understand that you are not in charge but that GOD is.


Focus on Changing Yourself, Not Your Spouse

You must accept that the tactics you’ve tried have failed. And that your attempts to influence or control your partner are futile.

It means you understand that you are not in command but that GOD is.


How do you let go and let God fix your marriage?

By handing over your marriage to God in Prayers, fighting on your knees is the finest or best way to win any battle. God becomes your general in this way. Pray to God and Ask for particular blessings from Him in your prayers. Give Him your heart and tell Him you’re committed to making your marriage work.


What does God say about marriage restoration?


God adores the family unit.

Knowing that husbands and couples will raise children who will seek out God’s kingdom and share the gospel.

Demonstrating God’s love to people who are in desperate need.


How do you pray for a broken marriage?


Forgiveness Prayer

My God, you said in Your word that if we confess our sins, you would forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 

As a result, Lord, forgive my partner and me for our heinous behavior toward each other and the institution of marriage, for we have transgressed against you.


Assist us in bearing with one another and forgiving one another as you have forgiven us. Help us to walk in the spirit so that we may praise your holy name rather than our fleshly wants.


May your word abound in us so that we might wisely admonish one another and worship you with grateful hearts. I believe and pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.



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