60 Interesting Song Of Solomon Wedding Verse

Interesting Song Of Solomon Wedding Verse

The Song of Solomon, also known as the Song of Songs, is a beautiful and lyrical book of the Bible that speaks of the joy and passion of romantic love.

Many couples have found inspiration in its verses for their weddings, using them as readings or incorporating them into their vows. The book celebrates love and intimacy between two people, and its words have a timeless quality that resonates with couples today.

In this post, we will delve into Song of Solomon wedding verses, exploring their significance, meaning, and how they can be interpreted for modern weddings. Whether planning your wedding or simply appreciating love poetry’s beauty, this post is for you.

Song Of Solomon Wedding Verse

1. Song of Solomon 2:16

“My beloved is mine and I am his; he grazes among the lilies.”

Song of Solomon 2_16

2. Song of Solomon 6:3

“I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine; he grazes among the lilies.”

Song of Solomon 6_3

3. Song of Solomon 8:7

“Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it. If a man offered for love all the wealth of his house, he would be utterly despised.”

Song of Solomon 8_7

4. Song of Solomon 3:4

“Scarcely had I passed them when I found him whom my soul loves. I held him, and would not let him go until I had brought him into my mother’s house, and into the chamber of her who conceived me.”

Song of Solomon 3_4

5. Song of Solomon 4:10

“How beautiful is your love, my sister, my bride! How much better is your love than wine, and the fragrance of your oils than any spice!”

Song of Solomon 4_10

6. Song of Solomon 5:1

“I came to my garden, my sister, my bride, I gathered my myrrh with my spice, I ate my honeycomb with my honey, I drank my wine with my milk. Eat, friends, drink, and be drunk with love!”

Song of Solomon 5_1

7. Song of Solomon 8:6

“Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm, for love is strong as death, jealousy is fierce as the grave. Its flashes are flashes of fire, the very flame of the LORD.”

Song of Solomon 8_6

8. Song of Solomon 7:10

“I am my beloved’s, and his desire is for me.”

Song of Solomon 7_10

9. Song of Solomon 1:2

“Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth! For your love is better than wine.”

Song of Solomon 1_2

10. Song of Solomon 4:9

“You have captivated my heart, my sister, my bride; you have captivated my heart with one glance of your eyes, with one jewel of your necklace.”

Song of Solomon 4_9

Finding the Perfect Wedding Verse in Song of Solomon

11. Song of Solomon 2:10-13

“My beloved speaks and says to me: ‘Arise, my love, my beautiful one, and come away, for behold, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land. The fig tree ripens its figs, and the vines are in blossom; they give forth fragrance. Arise, my love, my beautiful one, and come away.'”

12. Song of Solomon 8:7

“Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it. If a man offered for love all the wealth of his house, he would be utterly despised.”

13. Song of Solomon 6:3

“I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine; he grazes among the lilies.”

14. Song of Solomon 5:16

“His mouth is most sweet, and he is altogether desirable. This is my beloved and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem.”

15. Song of Solomon 3:4

“Scarcely had I passed them when I found him whom my soul loves. I held him, and would not let him go until I had brought him into my mother’s house, and into the chamber of her who conceived me.”

16. Song of Solomon 7:10

“I am my beloved’s, and his desire is for me.”

17. Song of Solomon 4:7

“You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you.”

18. Song of Solomon 8:6

“Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm, for love is strong as death, jealousy is fierce as the grave. Its flashes are flashes of fire, the very flame of the LORD.”

19. Song of Solomon 1:2

“Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth! For your love is better than wine.”

20. Song of Solomon 3:2

“I will rise now and go about the city, in the streets and in the squares; I will seek him whom my soul loves.”

Symbolic Meanings of Song of Solomon Verses for Weddings

21. Song of Solomon 2:3

“As an apple tree among the trees of the forest, so is my beloved among the young men. With great delight I sat in his shadow, and his fruit was sweet to my taste.”

22. Song of Solomon 4:12

“A garden locked is my sister, my bride, a spring locked, a fountain sealed.”

23. Song of Solomon 6:3 –

“I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine; he grazes among the lilies.”

24. Song of Solomon 7:12

“Let us go out early to the vineyards and see whether the vines have budded, whether the grape blossoms have opened and the pomegranates are in bloom. There I will give you my love.”

25. Song of Solomon 8:7

“Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it. If a man offered for love all the wealth of his house, he would be utterly despised.”

26. Song of Solomon 2:16

“My beloved is mine and I am his; he grazes among the lilies.”

27. Song of Solomon 4:10

“How beautiful is your love, my sister, my bride! How much better is your love than wine, and the fragrance of your oils than any spice!”

28. Song of Solomon 5:1

“I came to my garden, my sister, my bride, I gathered my myrrh with my spice, I ate my honeycomb with my honey, I drank my wine with my milk. Eat, friends, drink, and be drunk with love!”

29. Song of Solomon 3:4

“Scarcely had I passed them when I found him whom my soul loves. I held him, and would not let him go until I had brought him into my mother’s house, and into the chamber of her who conceived me.”

Exploring the Romantic Imagery in Song of Solomon for Your Wedding

30. Song of Solomon 1:2

“Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth! For your love is better than wine.”

31. Song of Solomon 2:3

“Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest, so is my beloved among the young men. With great delight I sat in his shadow, and his fruit was sweet to my taste.”

32. Song of Solomon 2:16

“My beloved is mine, and I am his; he grazes among the lilies.”

33. Song of Solomon 4:7

“You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you.”

34. Song of Solomon 4:10

“How beautiful is your love, my sister, my bride! How much better is your love than wine, and the fragrance of your oils than any spice!”

35. Song of Solomon 5:16

“His mouth is most sweet, and he is altogether desirable. This is my beloved and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem.”

36. Song of Solomon 6:3

“I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine; he grazes among the lilies.”

37. Song of Solomon 7:10

“I am my beloved’s, and his desire is for me.”

38. Song of Solomon 8:7

“Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it. If a man offered for love all the wealth of his house, he would be utterly despised.”

39. Song of Solomon 8:14

“Make haste, my beloved, and be like a gazelle or a young stag on the mountains of spices.”

How Song of Solomon Can Enhance Your Wedding Vows

40. Song of Solomon 2:16

“My beloved is mine and I am his; he browses among the lilies.”

41. Song of Solomon 6:3

“I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine; he browses among the lilies.”

42. Song of Solomon 8:7

“Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot sweep it away. If one were to give all the wealth of one’s house for love, it would be utterly scorned.”

43. Song of Solomon 4:7

“You are altogether beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you.”

44. Song of Solomon 5:16

“His mouth is sweetness itself; he is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, this is my friend, daughters of Jerusalem.”

45. Song of Solomon 7:10

“I belong to my beloved, and his desire is for me.”

46. Song of Solomon 3:4

“Scarcely had I passed them when I found the one my heart loves. I held him and would not let him go till I had brought him to my mother’s house, to the room of the one who conceived me.”

47. Song of Solomon 8:6

“Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame.”

48. Song of Solomon 2:10

“My beloved spoke and said to me, ‘Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, come with me.'”

49. Song of Solomon 8:4

“Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you: Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires.”

Interpreting Song of Solomon Verses for Modern Weddings

50. Song of Solomon 2:16

“My beloved is mine, and I am his; he browses among the lilies.”

51. Song of Solomon 4:10

“How delightful is your love, my sister, my bride! How much more pleasing is your love than wine, and the fragrance of your perfume more than any spice!”

52. Song of Solomon 5:16

“His mouth is sweetness itself; he is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, this is my friend, daughters of Jerusalem.”

53. Song of Solomon 6:3

“I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine; he browses among the lilies.”

54. Song of Solomon 7:10

“I belong to my beloved, and his desire is for me.”

55. Song of Solomon 8:6-7

“Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame. Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot sweep it away. If one were to give all the wealth of one’s house for love, it would be utterly scorned.”

56. Song of Solomon 2:2

“Like a lily among thorns is my darling among the young women.”

57. Song of Solomon 3:4

“Scarcely had I passed them when I found the one my heart loves. I held him and would not let him go till I had brought him to my mother’s house, to the room of the one who conceived me.”

58. Song of Solomon 4:1-3

“How beautiful you are, my darling! Oh, how beautiful! Your eyes behind your veil are doves. Your hair is like a flock of goats descending from the hills of Gilead. Your teeth are like a flock of sheep just shorn, coming up from the washing. Each has its twin; not one of them is alone. Your lips are like a scarlet ribbon; your mouth is lovely. Your temples behind your veil are like the halves of a pomegranate.”

59. Song of Solomon 7:6-7

“How beautiful you are and how pleasing, my love, with your delights! Your stature is like that of the palm, and your breasts like clusters of fruit.”

60. Song of Solomon 8:4

“Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you: Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires.”


In conclusion, Song of Solomon is a rich source of romantic imagery and symbolic meanings that can enhance any modern wedding ceremony. The verses from this book of the Bible have been used for centuries to express love, commitment, and devotion between couples. Whether you are looking for a verse to use in your vows or simply want to incorporate some of the book’s themes into your wedding, Song of Solomon can offer inspiration and depth to your celebration.

Its timeless message about the beauty and power of love is a reminder that weddings are not just about the ceremony but also about the lifelong commitment that follows. So, take the time to explore the verses of Song of Solomon, and let them guide you towards a meaningful and unforgettable wedding day.


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