
Church Life Insurance Corporation (Church Life) is a non-profit organization offering life insurance and annuities to individuals and organizations affiliated with the Episcopal Church. It was founded in 1922 and is based in New York City.

Church Life’s mission is to provide financial security and protection to its policyholders while also supporting the ministries and programs of the Episcopal Church. In addition to offering life insurance and annuities, Church Life also provides educational resources and workshops to help its customers make informed decisions about their financial futures.


Church Life is a member of the Church Pension Group (CPG), the parent organization of several entities serving the Episcopal Church. CPG provides pension, retirement, health, and other benefits to clergy and lay employees of the Episcopal Church.

Church Life Insurance Corporation is a vital financial resource for Episcopalians and their communities, helping to ensure the long-term stability and sustainability of the Church’s ministries and programs.


Explanation of Church Life Insurance Corporation (CLIC)

Church Life Insurance Corporation (CLIC) is a non-profit insurance company that provides life insurance to churches and their members. CLIC has been serving the needs of the church community for over 60 years, and its mission is to help churches and their members prepare for the financial challenges of life, death, and disability.

Importance of life insurance for churches

Life insurance is an essential financial tool for individuals and families to help provide financial protection in the event of an unexpected death. The same holds for churches, as they care for their members’ spiritual and material well-being. Life insurance can help churches meet this responsibility by providing a financial safety net for their members’ families in the event of an untimely death.


This article will provide an overview of Church Life Insurance Corporation, including its history, the types of life insurance offered, the benefits of choosing CLIC, how to obtain life insurance from CLIC, and frequently asked questions.

History of Church Life Insurance Corporation

a. Founding of CLIC

Church Life Insurance Corporation was founded in 1958 by the National Council of Churches, recognizing the need for a non-profit insurance company to provide affordable life insurance to churches and their members.


b. Growth and expansion of CLIC

Over the years, CLIC has expanded its offerings to include a wide range of life insurance policies, including term life insurance, whole life insurance, and universal life insurance. CLIC has also expanded its reach to serve churches and their members across the United States.

c. Current status of CLIC

Today, CLIC remains a non-profit insurance company dedicated to serving the needs of churches and their members. CLIC has earned solid financial ratings from independent rating agencies, which is a testament to its financial stability and long-term viability.

Types of Life Insurance Offered by Church Life Insurance Corporation

Term life insurance

Term life insurance covers a specified period, typically between 10 and 30 years. Term life insurance policies offer lower premiums than permanent ones, making them a popular choice for younger families or those on a tight budget.

Whole life insurance

Whole life insurance provides coverage for the lifetime of the policyholder. Premiums for whole life insurance policies are typically higher than term life insurance policies, but they offer guaranteed death benefits and cash value accumulation.

Universal life insurance

Universal life insurance is a type of permanent life insurance that offers flexible premiums and death benefits. Universal life insurance policies also provide cash value accumulation and the ability to borrow against the policy’s cash value.

Comparison of the different types of insurance

The type of life insurance best for an individual or Church will depend on their specific needs and budget. Term life insurance may be the most affordable option, while whole life insurance may offer more comprehensive coverage and a cash value component. Universal life insurance can provide flexibility in premium payments and death benefits.

Benefits of Choosing Church Life Insurance Corporation

Focus on serving the needs of churches and their members

CLIC’s mission is to suit the needs of churches and their members, which means that its policies and services are tailored to the specific needs of this community.

Competitive Pricing

As a non-profit insurance company, CLIC can offer competitive pricing for its life insurance policies. This means that churches and their members can get the coverage they need at an affordable price.

Strong financial ratings

CLIC has earned solid financial ratings from independent rating agencies, which is a testament to its financial stability and long-term viability. This means that policyholders can have confidence in CLIC’s ability to pay out claims.

Frequently Asked Questions about Church Life Insurance Corporation

What is the coverage limit for CLIC policies?

The coverage limit for CLIC policies varies depending on the specific policy and the insured’s needs. However, CLIC offers a range of coverage amounts to meet the needs of different individuals and organizations.

Can individuals purchase life insurance from CLIC, or is it only for churches?

Individuals can purchase life insurance from CLIC, and the company offers a range of policies to meet the needs of individuals and churches. CLIC’s policies are designed to provide affordable and reliable coverage for people from all walks of life.

Are there any discounts available for members of specific religious organizations?

CLIC may offer discounts to members of specific religious organizations, depending on the policies and guidelines of those organizations. However, bargains are not guaranteed and may vary depending on the particular procedure and the individual’s circumstances.

How long does receiving a policy once an application is submitted take?

The time it takes to receive a policy from CLIC depends on various factors, including the policy’s complexity, the application’s completeness, and the underwriting process. However, policies are generally issued within a few weeks of application.


Life insurance protects the financial well-being of both churches and their members. With a reliable life insurance policy, individuals and organizations can have peace of mind knowing that their loved ones and assets are protected in the event of an unexpected loss.

Choosing Church Life Insurance Corporation offers a range of benefits for churches and individuals, including customizable policies, competitive pricing, and expert support from experienced agents. With a commitment to meeting each customer’s unique needs, CLIC is a trusted partner for protecting the financial well-being of churches and their members.

If you are a member of a church or religious organization, or if you are an individual in need of reliable life insurance coverage, consider working with Church Life Insurance Corporation. With various policies and expert support from experienced agents, CLIC is a trusted partner for protecting your financial future. Contact CLIC today to learn more about your affordable and reliable life insurance coverage options.

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