
Tarry definition in the bible is to be patient in doing something or to wait for a long time. It can also be used to describe something that is hard and distasteful. In this case, it’s easy to understand why the tarry definition in the bible was used since it implies that if you are patient enough, you will get what you want more often than not.

Tarry definition in the Bible

The dictionary meaning of the word “tarry” is to “delay, stay behind.” The Bible says that God is our guide and we should trust Him with all our decisions. We should not delay in following His instructions for us.


The Bible’s meaning of the word “tarry” refers to a long journey, or to wait for someone. The word is used in the Bible and in other religious texts, but it can also be used to describe what happens when you are waiting for someone. It can mean that you want to spend more time with someone who is important to you. It may also be used in a positive way to describe how long you will wait for something else to happen.

The Bible also defines the word “Tarry” as “to stay, to remain”. The word is used in contexts such as:


Matthew 4:19

“And he said unto them, Come ye after me, and I will make you become fishers of men.”

– Matthew 4:19


Luke 13:20-21

And he said unto them, Come, and dine in my house. And it came to pass when the people were come in, that he made a feast, and sent out for his bakers to bake the bread, and they did all eat and were filled.” –

Luke 13:20-21.


What does Tarry signify in the Bible?

Tarrying is a Hebrew word that means “delay.” It’s used in reference to the Israelites as they were preparing to enter the land of Canaan. The Lord told them, “If you will enter into my rest, then you shall keep my statutes.” (Heb 4:9).

Tarry can also mean to delay or postpone something. It’s used in the Bible to refer to the delay of God’s wrath, as well as the postponement of a body’s death. The first sense is found in Genesis 3:24 when Eve asked God why she had to give birth while still on earth. The Lord replied that He had delayed His judgment until she died, and then she would receive her punishment.

The second sense is found in Psalm 49:8, which says that God will “tarry” over His people until they are dead and buried. This indicates that God will not destroy them until after their deaths.

Tarrying is a lot like hanging out. It’s about not rushing into things, but instead taking your time and seeing how things unfold.

Tarrying is part of what we call the “the Way,” and it’s something that God wants us to do. The book of Proverbs is full of passages that show us how to do this: “A wise man will hear and increase in learning” (Proverbs 1:5), and “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge” (Proverbs 1:7).

But sometimes we don’t want to wait around for God—we want him to give us the answers now! So then what? Tarrying is important because it helps you realize that there may be an answer, but maybe it takes time for God to reveal it.

Tarrying is a word used in the Bible to indicate that something is important. The phrase “tarry” comes from the Latin word “tardare,” which means “to delay.”

For example, when Jesus says to his disciples, “Tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem until ye be endued with power from on high” (Luke 24:49), he is telling them to wait for their power to come from God before they leave Jerusalem. He doesn’t want them going off and doing things without waiting for it.

The word Tarry is used in the Bible several times, including in the book of Daniel, which tells the story of Daniel and the powerful king Nebuchadnezzar. During his time in Babylon, Daniel was thrown into a den of lions. The king’s men brought him food and water every day, but they did not allow him to leave or read scripture.

Eventually, God called on Daniel to interpret an evil dream he had been given. He refused, but after much persuasion by God’s messenger Gabriel, he agreed to do so. When he did so, he told King Nebuchadnezzar that three great kingdoms would rise up against Babylon—Egypt, Media (the Persian empire), and Persia (the Greek empire).

King Nebuchadnezzar was intrigued by this prophecy because it seemed to relate to him personally; however, when it came true exactly as described by Daniel’s interpretation of the dream, he became extremely angry at God for allowing such an injustice to happen in his kingdom. It is clear from these passages that Tarry signifies delaying or delaying action until a better time comes along—something we should always be willing.

What does the biblical phrase “tarry in prayer” mean?

It’s important to remember that the Bible is a book, and books have different meanings depending on their contexts. In this case, the context is that of prayer—specifically, specifically praying for God’s will to be done.

So let’s break down what “tarrying” means. The word “tarry” means to stay put for a while or to delay something for a little bit longer than you might have originally intended. It can also mean “wait,” but in this case, it refers to waiting until after something else has already happened before doing something (or deciding not to do something).

The reason why we should tarry in prayer is that God wants us to seek him with our whole hearts, and he wants us to spend quality time with him as well when he is available. When we pray, we are seeking his will in our lives—and when we do this regularly and consistently over time, then God will give us the desires of our hearts (1 John 2:29).

“Tarry in prayer” means “stay in prayer,” and it’s used in Matthew 6:5 to encourage believers to stay up late at night so that they can pray even more. It also means that you should keep your prayers going even after they’ve been answered—you shouldn’t stop praying because you think God has already heard your prayers.

The idea is that if you want to get closer to God, then it’s important for you to make sure that he knows that you still need him, even when things seem easier or less stressful than they did before.

Biblical examples of people who tarried in prayer

There are many biblical examples of people who tarried in prayer.

1 Corinthians 15:58-59: “For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed.”

Matthew 26:39-40: “And he came to them, and said to them, ‘All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth.’ Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.'”

Luke 18:1-8: “And he called a servant girl to him [who had] been born out of due time [and] said to her, ‘O woman! What have I done to you? How have I offended you? It was this evil [which has] come upon me.’ She said to him [Jesus], ‘The Lord has need of him.'”

One of the best examples is Moses.

Moses was a great man of God. He believed that God was speaking to him, and he stayed with his task despite not being heard right away.

It was God who spoke to Moses, and it was Moses who listened to what God had to say.

Other examples of people who tarried in prayer:

Saul, the first king of Israel, was a man of war. He sought God with all his heart, and David tarried in prayer before him. (1 Samuel 14:24-28)

Elijah prayed for three days and three nights in the cave at Horeb. He prayed that something would be given to him so that he could eat. (1 Kings 19:8-10)

King Josiah prayed at the temple while it was being built. He also prayed when the priests were performing their duties. (2 Kings 23:2).

The prophet Elijah had been sent by God to deliver a message to King Ahab of Israel: he would suffer a terrible punishment if he did not change his ways. But Elijah could not make Ahab listen to God’s word—so Elijah called down fire from heaven, which killed 40,000 men. This was a clear sign that Ahab should stop his sinful ways, but he refused to listen and continued to worship idols.

Elijah finally got his message across when the king’s own daughter died because she ate food that had been tainted by his sinning ways—and then he sent her back to life with God’s help!

Elijah knew how important it was for him to stay in prayer until God answered his call, even when it meant facing death himself along with everyone else in Israel. He stayed strong in God’s presence even through all the tests that happened after that initial disastrous event—and God used him as an example during every step of his journey to bring Israel back into line with what they should be doing instead of worshipping idols!

The example of Abraham. He was a man of great faith and commitment to God, but he was also a man who was loyal to his own needs and desires. Even though Abraham had been called by God to sacrifice his son Isaac so that God could show his power and demonstrate His love for humanity, Abraham was determined to take care of this matter himself. At one point, God asked Abraham how much time he needed to complete the task, and Abraham said “not even one day.” This meant that Abraham would not be able to sacrifice Isaac on time because he needed more time than that.

Abraham’s loyalty to himself and his family meant that he would not sacrifice his son without being ready for it—he had been training for this moment for years! And yet despite all of this preparation, when it came down to it, he still did not want to go through with it at all costs (Genesis 22:10-14).

This shows us how important it is to have patience with our spiritual growth. We can’t always be sure what will happen next or when we will be called upon.

What are the benefits of tarrying in prayer

Tarrying in prayer is a way to stay connected with God, even when you’re busy. It helps us make time for the things that are most important to us.

When we pray, we’re connecting with God on a deeper level than just thinking about Him or feeling some kind of spiritual connection. When we pray, we’re actually becoming one with Him—and at that moment, our life can transform into something better than it has been before.

The benefits of tarrying in prayer are many:

-We get to know God better because we spend time with Him

-We become more patient as we learn to wait on God’s timing and His will

-We learn how to trust God more by trusting His timing and His plan for us

-We begin to have peace in our lives because we know that everything is going according to God’s plan.

Tarrying in prayer is a good thing. It will help you grow closer to God and become more like Him, which can help you live a happier life.

In the Bible, we see an example of tarrying in prayer from Jesus when He was on the road to Jerusalem with other disciples (Luke 9:28-36). On their way, they were talking about what kind of food they should eat when they got there. Jesus told them that it does not matter what they eat as long as they keep His word (Luke 9:24).

Later, when they arrived at the Mount of Olives, Jesus asked them if they had any bread or fish with them to eat. They replied that they had no food (Luke 9:26-27). But then he told them to wait while he went down into a village below to buy some food for them (Luke 9:28). As he was gone, his disciples came back and said that he had been gone long enough so they could have eaten anything by now (Luke 9:30). But Jesus replied “How many days?” They answered “forty.

When you pray, the Bible says you should be “wasting no time.” If you are wasting time in prayer, then you’re not praying.

If you’re not wasting any time, then what are you doing? You’re listening. You’re receiving! You can hear God speak to you as he speaks to us in the Bible:

“Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it” (Hebrews 13:2).

“Let us lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us” (Hebrews 12:1).

“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see” (Hebrews 11:1).

This is a great reminder of what we can do when we pray. We are encouraged to keep in mind that God will hear our prayers and answer them.


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