Being a stepparent may be difficult, therefore, many people frequently question what advice the Bible has to offer in this area. In this post, we shall examine biblical teachings on stepparents and offer insight into what the Bible says about this crucial topic.
Step-parenting may be complex and delicate, and mixed families frequently face particular difficulties. As a result, it’s crucial to consult the Bible for direction and insight.
This post will examine some notable biblical texts related to step-parenting and explore what the Bible says about it. By the end of this study, you will have a better knowledge of the function of step-parents in biblical times and what lessons can be applied to families today. Let’s look at what the Bible says about step-parents now.
What Does The Bible Say About Step Parents
The duty to love one another as Christ has loved us is one of the guiding principles (John 13:34). Stepparents should try to treat their stepchildren with the same love, courtesy, and courtesy respect that they would have their biological children. They ought to work to establish a good rapport with their stepchildren and promote the family’s cohesiveness.
Although blended families were not as ordinary in biblical times as today, the Bible does not explicitly address step-parents.
Nonetheless, there are biblical principles that stepparents can use to direct their interactions with their stepchildren.
2. Respect for one’s parents is essential (Exodus 20:12). As long as they are not asked to do something against God’s will, stepchildren should respect and obey their stepparents. This goes for both biological parents and stepparents.
3. The Bible also says that families should cooperate to serve and glorify God (Joshua 24:15). Stepparents should inspire their stepchildren to seek a connection with God and provide an excellent example by living a life of faith and obeying God.
4. The Bible emphasizes the value of love and respect in families. Husbands are commanded in Ephesians 5:33 to love their spouses, while dads are commanded in Colossians 3:21 to raise their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord rather than to provoke them.
These guidelines also apply to stepparents, who should strive to treat their stepchildren with the same love and respect as their own.
5. The Bible also teaches grace and forgiveness. Jesus tells his followers in Matthew 6:14–15 that they must forgive others to be forgiven themselves.
Situations involving stepparenting can frequently be difficult and call for a great deal of patience and understanding. Still, grace and forgiveness can go a long way toward developing good relationships within blended families.
6. But if anybody does not provide for his family, especially for his home members, he has betrayed the faith and is worse than an unbeliever, says 1 Timothy 5:8.
This verse offers advice for step-parents. The significance of supporting and taking care of family members, especially stepchildren, is emphasized in this chapter.
7. Honor and assist your spouse. Keep in mind that the child who is older than you has a relationship with the biological parent. Respect and encourage your partner’s parenting style towards your stepchild.
Never question or otherwise undermine the biological parent’s authority over the stepchild in any manner. If the biological parent decides that you need to discuss the matter with him or her about the child, do so alone and never in the child’s presence, even though keep in mind that the child’s parent, not you, is ultimately liable to God for that child.
8. What better hope than hope rooted in the Lord, as cliché as it may sound? No matter how much or how little your child is with you, keep modeling and teaching your faith to them. Although you can’t make a child believe, you have the right to demand that they respect you and your beliefs.
Continue to pray for God’s Holy Spirit to shield your children, to give them discernment so they won’t be taken in by the world, and so they can spot attempts to entice them away from you and the Lord with worldly materialism.
9. Never express how you feel about the other biological parent of your stepchild. If you do, you encourage the youngster to disrespect their parents and invite backlash from that child. Let the child learn about the other biological parent’s difficulties or bad character without you breaking the news to them.
10. Generally, the Bible offers advice on how to treat and care for family members, including stepchildren, even though it does not expressly address step-parents. Christians are urged to show love and concern for all family members, even if they are not blood relatives.
What Does The Bible Say About Stepfamilies?
1. The Bible stresses the value of showing all family members love, kindness, and respect. Be kind and compassionate to one another, extending forgiveness as God did to you in Christ, Ephesians 4:32 instructs. Every family member, including stepfamily members, must abide by this.
2. The Bible emphasizes the value of harmony and cooperation within the family. How wonderful and delightful it is when God’s people live in harmony, according to Psalm 133:1. This also holds for stepfamilies, and everyone must work together to create a solid and cohesive family.
3. Jesus challenged certain common beliefs about what it meant to be a family member during His three-year ministry: “As Jesus was still speaking to the throng, his mother and siblings stood outside, eager to speak to him. His mother and brothers were waiting outside to speak with him, and someone informed him.
Who is my mother, and who are my brothers? He answered. He continued here are my mother and brothers, pointing to his followers. Because whoever carries out the will of my heavenly Father is my brother, sister, and mother (Matthew 12:46-50).
4. When we are physically born, our families are physical, but when we are “born again,” our families are spiritual. We are adopted into God’s family, to use Pauline terminology (Romans 8:15). God and Jesus is made to be our parents and brothers, respectively, when we are adopted into God’s spiritual family, the Church.
This spiritual family is not restricted by social class, gender, or ethnicity. According to Paul, you are all sons of God by faith in Christ Jesus because everyone baptized into Christ has put on Christ. In Christ Jesus, there is no distinction between Jews and Greeks, slaves and free people, or between men and women. You are Abraham’s seed if you follow Christ and obey him.
Therefore, stepfamilies should remain as that unto the body of Christ. (Galatians 3:26-29).
5. The Bible underlines how crucial it is for parents to be accountable for their children’s welfare. Fathers, do not irritate your children; instead, raise them in the training and instruction of the Lord, according to Ephesians 6:4.
This holds for both stepchildren and biological children, and stepparents should actively participate in offering advice and assistance to their stepchildren.
6. Because of their past and present circumstances, blended families cannot come together, but if, as Paul writes, they are looking forward to what lies ahead (heaven, eternal life with God through Christ), they can do so.(Galatians 3:26)
The blended family’s genuine identity and togetherness will ultimately be found only in the name and service of Jesus Christ. Only He has the power to mend the wounds and unite the two once more.
7. Communication is essential in any relationship, especially in stepfamilies. The Bible commands us to communicate the truth in love (Ephesians 4:25, Colossians 4:6).
8. Stepfamilies may have variances in personalities, interests, and backgrounds. We are instructed in the Scriptures to accept one another despite our differences (Romans 15:7).
9. Stepfamilies frequently call for patience when everyone gets used to their new responsibilities and connections. The Bible admonishes us to tolerate one another (Ephesians 4:2).
10. Creating a sense of oneness within stepfamilies can occasionally be challenging. The Bible exhorts us to strive for harmony in our relationships (Psalm 133:1).
What Does The Bible Say About Stepchildren?
1. Although the Bible does not address stepchildren explicitly, some concepts and lessons can be used.
We are commanded to love and care for others in the same ways we would want to be loved and cared for. This is a crucial precept. All relationships, even those involving stepchildren, fall under this.
2. Ephesians 6:4 commands fathers to raise their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord rather than provoking them to wrath.
Stepfathers are also expected to treat their stepchildren with love and respect. Thus, this rule also applies to them.
3. The instruction to honor one’s parents is another crucial lesson (Exodus 20:12). All parents, whether they are biological or stepparents, must follow this rule. Like their original parents, kids should respect and honor their stepparents.
4. The Bible has examples of people with stepparents as their parents. For instance, Esther was nurtured by her cousin Mordecai, whereas Joseph was brought up by his stepfather, Jacob.
These illustrations demonstrate how stepparents can significantly impact their stepchildren’s life.
5. Ultimately, the Bible offers general concepts and teachings that can be applied to this scenario even though it does not explicitly address stepchildren.
Stepchildren are expected to respect and honor their stepparents, while stepparents are expected to love and care for their stepchildren.
6. Avoid being partial. The Bible forbids expressing a preference for one child over another (James 2:1-4). Stepparents must treat all children in a blended family equally and without favoritism.
7. According to the Bible, we are to love one another as God has loved us (John 13:34-35). It’s crucial for stepparents to love their stepchildren wholeheartedly, even if they don’t return the favor. Within the blended family, this can assist in establishing trust and promote positive connections.
8. Donate to the needs of your stepchildren. The Bible commands us to meet our family’s needs, including stepchildren (1 Timothy 5:8). a stepparent must support the children in a blended family financially and emotionally.
9. (1 Corinthians 13:4) The Bible advises us to exercise patience and kindness, especially while coping with challenging circumstances in a blended family. Stepparents must be compassionate and patient with their stepchildren, even in trying circumstances.
10. The Bible advises that we should seek God’s direction in all areas of our lives, including our role as stepparents (Proverbs 3:5–6). Step-parents can handle the particular difficulties of a blended family by praying for direction and wisdom.
What Does The Bible Say About Raising Another Man’s Child?
1. Even if there isn’t a formal adoption, the stepparent can still gain from treating the children as their own by showing them acceptance and unwavering love. Our Parent is God, and we are His adopted children (Romans 8:15; Ephesians 1:5). God’s love and tenderness for us can be modeled to stepchildren by a Christian stepparent.
2. Jesus’ stepfather played a part in his upbringing. Despite not being Jesus’ biological father (Luke 1:35), Joseph voluntarily agreed to be the child’s primary carer. He set a good example for other stepparents regarding how to treat Mary’s Son, to the point where Jesus came to be known as “the carpenter’s son” (Matthew 13:35).
3. Stepparents gain by following God’s guidelines for a marriage. The model for a godly marriage is seen in Ephesians 5:21–33, and when a couple is comfortable and content together, stepparenting will go more smoothly.
4. God’s plan for the family calls for husbands to take the lead, love their wives selflessly, and for wives to humbly submit to their husbands’ authority. For the children, both parents must serve as role models.
Many stepparenting concerns will go on their own when stepchildren realize their biological parent is content and the home is a tranquil haven for everyone. Children feel safe in a home where the parents are happy with their bond.
5. When the newcomer tries to teach or discipline the kids, the biological parent may interfere even though they want the stepparent to play the role of Mom or Dad. Jesus once remarked, “A divided house cannot stand” (Matthew 12:25). So, before attempting to co-parent the children, intelligent parents will agree on rules and penalties.
It might be daunting for a stepparent to enter an established family system and they could be inclined to surrender all parental duties. To make the transition to the new roles easier for everyone, the biological parent should develop a positive relationship between the kids and the new parent.
Resolving disputes or questions regarding parenting guidelines and discipline in a private setting away from the kids is best.
6. The stepparent would be advised to avoid discussing the divorce and to be careful about what they say to the kids about their former parent. The proverb “A soft answer drives away wrath, while a harsh word stirs up rage” from Proverbs 15:1 is applicable.
When stepparents decide to be peacemakers, their spouses benefit from their calmer demeanor and sage advice. Stepparents can stop further conflict by avoiding becoming involved.
7. Stepparents can remember that we initially rejected Christ even when the kids rejected early attempts to bond with them (Romans 5:8). Yet because He never gave up on us or the people He has placed in our lives, neither will we.
8. It is challenging to move back and forth between homes. Days of transition can be difficult. It is a time when youngsters are more prone to irrational emotions, and tiny mishaps can quickly rile them up.
Lean in, make eye contact, and listen if a child starts to cry about leaving for mommy’s house, dropping a granola bar as she leaves, or losing clothing. A child’s day is likely better if she can cry rather than conceal her emotions.
Allowing space for emotions to surface as a child returns home after a long absence or departs for the other house might significantly improve the situation.
9. If a mom and her daughter have a weekend rollerblading routine and the stepdad isn’t very adept at it, he can feel like the odd parent out. To bridge the gap, look for activities that stepparents and stepchildren can participate in together.
10. The significance of integrity and honesty is also emphasized throughout the Bible. It teaches us not to mislead or exploit others (Leviticus 19:11). Hence, choosing to raise another man’s child honestly and with the child’s best interests in mind is crucial.
What Does The Bible Say About Toxic Step Parents?
Although “toxic step parents” are not directly mentioned in the Bible, several ideas and lessons can be used. Ten things the Bible says about relationships and parenting that could apply to toxic step-parenting are listed below:
1. Ephesians 6:4
Parents shouldn’t incite rage in their kids.
2. Colossians 3:21
Parents should refrain from cursing at their kids.
3. Proverbs 22:6
Children’s welfare is their parents’ responsibility.
4. 1 Corinthians 13:4
Love is compassionate and patient.
5. 1 Corinthians 13:4
Love is not envious, boastful, or haughty.
6. 1 Corinthians 13:5
Love is not snobbish or self-centered.
7. 1 Corinthians 13:5
Love does not remember wrongs.
8. 1 Corinthians 13:7
Love constantly stands up for, believes in, hopes for, and endures.
9. Ephesians 5:21-33
In a spirit of love and respect, husbands and wives should submit to one another.
10. Ephesians 4:31-32
God exhorts us to pardon those who have harmed us.
Any relationship, including those between stepparents and stepchildren, can be governed by these rules. Parents should try to provide a secure and caring atmosphere for them whether they are a child’s biological or stepparents.
Additionally, they ought to be conscious of how they behave and try to treat their biological and adopted children with kindness, patience, and respect. In any relationship, forgiveness is also essential. This goes for both parents and kids.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are There Step Parents In The Bible?
The Bible contains several examples of men marrying widows and raising their children as stepchildren. For instance, Judah’s son Er married Tamar in the book of Genesis, but he passed away before the couple could have children.
Then Judah set up Onan, his second son, to wed Tamar, but Onan also passed away. Judah then instructed Tamar to wait until his youngest son was old enough to wed her, but he forbade the union because he feared his son would also perish.
Afterward, Tamar pretended to be a prostitute to mislead Judah into having sex with her. As a result, Tamar became pregnant with twins. Later, Judah admitted that he was the children’s father.
What Is The Role Of A Step-Parent?
Depending on the particular circumstance and the requirements of the children involved, the position of a stepparent might vary substantially. Nonetheless, a stepparent’s primary responsibility is to help satisfy their stepchildren’s practical requirements while offering them emotional support and direction.
The following are just a few of the duties that a stepparent may have to do:
1. Establishing a trusting and respectful connection with their stepchildren.
2. Encouraging and supporting their stepchildren in their social, intellectual, and personal endeavors.
3. Setting up a secure and stable home atmosphere.
4. Establishing and upholding family customs and practices.
5. Supporting their stepchildren’s connection with their biological parent (s).
Stepparents must be patient and empathetic when adjusting to their new role, especially in blended homes where complicated dynamics may be at play. Stepparenting can be successful and enjoyable if there is open communication, respect, and a desire to hear and understand the needs of all family members.
Examples Of Step Families In The Bible
1. Abraham and Sarah:
Sarah advised that Abraham father a child with her maidservant, Hagar, because she could not conceive. Hagar gave birth to Ishmael after Abraham granted his consent. Later, Sarah became pregnant and gave birth to Isaac by herself. Abraham became the father of two boys, each born to a different mother.
2. Jacob:
Jacob had two wives, Leah and Rachel. Jacob also had two concubines, Bilhah and Zilpah. Each woman gave birth to him, and the concubines’ offspring were also regarded as his. As a result, there were numerous mothers and kids in the stepfamily, which was complicated.
3. David:
King David had several wives, including Bathsheba, who had previously been wed to Uriah the Hittite. David married Bathsheba and gave birth to Solomon after planning Uriah’s execution in battle. Solomon consequently became David’s stepson after his marriage to Bathsheba.
Christian Advice On Step Parenting
With the right attitude and approach, step-parenting can also be a fulfilling and rewarding experience. Here are some tips for stepparenting from Christians:
Seek God’s Wisdom And Direction:
If you’re a stepparent, you must ask God for direction and wisdom as you navigate your new position. Take some time in prayer and ask God for power, endurance, and comprehension.
Create A Relationship With Your Stepchildren:
Having a solid relationship with your stepchildren is critical. Spend some time learning about them, their hobbies, and their personalities. Be patient while you build a relationship with them and show them that you love, respect, and care about them.
Respect The Biological Parent:
Appreciate the influence the biological parent has on your stepchildren’s lives. Even if you disagree with the biological parent’s parenting choices or style, refrain from criticizing them in public.
Keep Calm:
Be patient with your spouse, stepchildren, and yourself. Step-parenting requires time, energy, and patience.
In conclusion, stepparents and blended families can find some advice in the Bible. However, there aren’t any verses that specifically address stepparents. General principles can be used in this situation.
The Bible exhorts us to love one another, to be kind and compassionate towards one another, and to place a high value on the welfare of our families. Stepparents might seek direction from God’s word to negotiate their role’s difficulties and provide their stepchildren with a loving and caring atmosphere.
Stepparents can form a blended family that respects God’s plan for family connections by relying on the insight and direction found in the Bible to develop solid and healthy relationships with their stepchildren.
Hence, if you’re a stepparent seeking direction, turn to the Scriptures for wisdom and pointers and believe that God will lead you.
1 comment
Solomon was the biological son of David, not his stepson. Just being the second husband of Bathsheba does not change the lineage of Solomon or David. I also don’t understand how Joseph would be Jacob’s stepson, it was his biological son, through his second wife.